11 Nov 2022

Phonurgija Nova Awards 2022 - Mention Prix Art Sonore

Manja Ristić (Croatie), Nothing Has To Happen, Fortress Europe, 36’04, Radiophrenia Glasgow, Ecosse

The radio piece is based on mnemopoetic sonic narratives rethinking possible consequences of capital-driven geopolitics in interdependent global socio-economic turmoil perceived over several decades, and points at the dichotomy of EU policies in the grim reality of a 7-year-long migrant crisis. The work is followed by a photo archive of Belgrade-based journalist Lazara Marinković. Originally commissioned by Radiophrenia Glasgow in 2022.

Manja Ristić (1979), is a violinist, sound artist, published poet, curator, and researcher. 
Works and lives on the island of Korčula, Croatia.