15 Jun 2016

Enochian diaries by ERUPTION

Eruption duo (( Manja Ristic & Ivana Grahovac )) are multi-instrumentalists who achieved extraordinary communication in the sphere of improvisation. Life-long collaboration, development, and integration of ideas produced a unique sensibility - an undivided musical spirit with distinctive emotional language that comprehends sound dimension as fully material notion constantly inducing a change in the multilayered narratives. 

"Enochian diaries" is a session dedicated to an old piano kept for a long time in Ivana's family. The album is knitted with the unusual treatment of an instrument, but also with carefully chosen field recordings such are sounds of Byford's forest which is located right opposite Ivana's old family house, as well as astronomical sound recordings of Jupiter's atmosphere such as Jovian chorus. 

Guest performer is Serbian ambient artist Marko Paunović who contributed with samples of analog radio frequencies and electricity sound interventions. 

Recorded in Studio AVALA, May 2016
Released June 6, 2016 
Manja Ristic, piano, violin, pencil, field rec, composition & editing 
Ivana Grahovac, piano, cello, sound objects 
Marko Paunovic, radio frequencies, electricity sound intervention 
NASA sounds 
Cover image: Jupiter's red spot recorded by Voyager 1 (1979)